Digital English
Target groups: physiotherapists / Cesar/Mensendieck exercise therapists / edema physiotherapists / oncology physiotherapists
Line: First line / second line
Start date: Friday October 10th 2025
End date: Friday October 10th 2025
Participants: Minimal 20, maximal 40
Average score:
35 beoordelingen
Study load: 6 hours
Contact hours: 6
Contact days: 1
Language: English
Ratio practice and theory: Mostly theoretical
Level: expert
Code number: 2506342
E learning: No
Masterclass: Yes
Exam: No
Certificate: Yes

Programme and other relevant information for participants

As a participant you get access to the private website
Here you can find all information; e.g.: schedule, preparations, updates.

Hybrid course

This course can also be followed as a live course at Conferentiecentrum Kaap Doorn in Doorn.
For registration for the live course please go to Masterclass 'Lung Cancer: prehabilitation and rehabilitation - live.

Course times

9:30 am – 4:45 pm Central European Time (CET)


Friday October 10th 2025


Euro 235,-, respectively euro 260,- with NPi discount card


  • Online


This masterclass is intended for physiotherapists and exercise therapists who have followed the NPi course 'COPD en astma' or the 'Basiscursus Fysiotherapie bij mensen met longaandoeningen' in combination with the course 'Oefentraining bij mensen met longaandoeningen', optional physiotherapists and exercise therapists who have at least basic training on oncology and physiotherapy.

Learning outcome

At the conclusion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Know the different types of lung cancer and how to stage and treat them. This will include small cell lung cancer and non small cell lung cancer. The participants will also know the different treatment modalities as surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and immunotherapy.
  • Summarize the rationale and evidence behind prehabilitation before treatment. This will include beneficial outcomes as functional capacity and reduced hospital stay.
  • Overview the rationale and evidence behind exercise for patients with operable lung cancer. The benefits of early vs. late rehabilitation as fatigue will be counted in.
  • Outline the rationale and evidence behind exercise for patients with non-operable lung cancer. This will contain outcomes as quality of life, anxiety and depression and muscle strength.
  • Describe objective measures used to determine functional capacity, muscle strength and aerobic capacity in patients with lung cancer.
    The participants will also get an insight in how to test patients with lung cancer and how to choose the right test to the right patient.
  • Know in detail three large randomized trials conducted in patients with lung cancer in various stages. This will include how to design these exercise programs.


Lung cancer is the most frequently occurring deadly cancer disease worldwide. The best chance for cure is in the early stage of the disease,
when surgery and adjuvant treatment are the preferred option. More than 70% of patients with lung cancer are inoperable at the time of diagnosis.
The survival rate for patients with lung cancer is generally 16-20% after 5 years.

Patients with lung cancer deteriorate physiologically and psychologically throughout the course of the disease due to symptoms, co-morbidity,
and side effects from treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy).

This masterclass will summarize the rationale and evidence on prehabilitation, exercise during and after treatment for patients with lung cancer
and give a practical insight in how to design exercise for this group of patients.


The presenter of this masterclass is Morten Quist, PhD, research physiotherapist at the University Hospital of Copenhagen, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark. Morten has a lot of expertise in exercise for patients with lung cancer. He is the cofounder of the ‘Body and Cancer’ program and founder of the EXHALE program. He is lecturer at the University of Copenhagen. Morten received his PhD from The University of Copenhagen in 2015, on the topic of Exercise and Advanced Stage Lung Cancer; and a master in Health Research from The University of Copenhagen in 2011.

Target groups

Physiotherapists, Oncology physiotherapists


For Dutch physiotherapists, this masterclass is accredited for the Basisregister Algemeen fysiotherapeut and the register Oncologiefysiotherapeut with 6 points. No accreditation will be arranged for professionals from abroad.


  • dr. Morten Quist, physiotherapist and senior researcher, Rigshopitalet, The University Hospitals Centre for Health Research, Copenhagen, Denmark

Programme committee

  • dr. Morten Quist, physiotherapist and senior researcher, Rigshopitalet, The University Hospitals Centre for Health Research, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Michael Schermer, Dutch Institute of Allied Healthcare


Lecture, case discussion

Evaluation by participants

Question 1: What is your overall rating of the schooling?

Question 2: How do you rate the professional knowledge and skills of the speakers.

Question 3: I can apply what I have learned well in my practice.

Question 4: The organization of schooling was good (consider accommodation, accessibility, quality of training rooms, quality and organization of online course delivery, training times, care and meals).

Question 5: I would recommend this schooling to colleagues.

NPi contact persons

General and administrative questions

vanessa-floor Vanessa Floor
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
telephone: 06 82 14 07 72
(bereikbaar ma.ochtend en di.ochtend vanaf 09.30 uur en donderdag)

Contextual questions

michael-schermer Michael Schermer
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
telephone: 06 15 87 16 73