For institutions, networks and practices that want to attend training with their team and in their familiar environment, we provide in-company training. We do this dozens of times a year, for example for regional partnerships, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes and primary care practices in the Netherlands.

For some courses or trainings it is possible to provide an in-company course abroad in the English language.

Would you like to know more about our in-company possibilities?
Please contact Frans Lanting, coordinator postgraduate education Dutch Institute of Allied Health Care This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

An example of a developed course that we regularly organize abroad:

Dutch International Neurorehabilitation Course, 5 days, given in your own country

Language during the course

English spoken

Based on the success of the Dutch 'Neurorehabilitation-Stroke' course and on questions from (inter)national organizations a Dutch International Neurorehabilitation Course is developed, in line with the original course applied in the Netherlands, however condensed to 5 days.  This course can be given in your own country, by the so called Neuro Flying Dutch team.

This course contains theoretical lectures in the morning by Dutch top researchers in the field of stroke rehabilitation and neuroplasticity (Prof. dr. Gert. Kwakkel and Dr.Jaap H. Buurke) and practical exercise (case studies, clinical reasoning, training of practical skills and treatment of stroke-patients) in the afternoon, given by Dutch experienced physical therapists/teachers Neurorehabilitation ( Mrs.Jip F.Kamphuis, MSc and Hans Kerstens, MSc).

Description and Objectives
The course educates allied health professionals to become experts in stroke rehabilitation.
After the participant has followed the course he/she is able (to apply):

  • to search and critically appraise scientific papers;
  • principles of sensorimotor learning, stroke recovery and therapy-induced brain reorganization after stroke;
  • principles of clinical reasoning: diagnostics, evaluation, prognostics and selecting evidence based treatment goals;
  • state-of-the-art knowledge about evidence of current practice after stroke.

Please contact Marleen Buruma, Coordinator postgraduate education Dutch Institute of Allied Health Care This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.